Andrew So Image

Hi, I'm Andrew So, a freelance software developer passionate about creating automation, cooking new foods, and reading.

I majored in Computer Science @ California State Polytechnic University-Pomona in Pomona, CA, graduated in Spring 2022. I like to play around with tech but sometimes I make cool things happen!

My skillset is in image processing, data automation, and embedded system design.

If you're a recruiter stopping by, you can find my resume here! You can reach me on LinkedIn or by email.


Join me as I navigate through the highs and lows of my life. Follow along as I share a piece of myself to the world.


This section highlights the projects I have undertaken, both completed and ongoing, showcasing my proficiency in the Python language across a diverse range of endeavors. These projects encompass various domains, including those from my freelancing engagements. In these roles, I adeptly translated client ideas and requirements into tangible, functional products that they successfully utilized.


This section showcases the research publications produced during my tenure as both an undergraduate and graduate student at Cal Poly Pomona. The diverse topics covered include attacks on Computer Vision classifiers and on Homomorphic Encryption. For your convenience, downloadable PDF links to each paper are provided.